Sunday, July 31, 2011

Position sense

It's been so long since I've posted, I feel guilty. So here's the 3rd post in one day!!! Aren't you excited?! (I can tell you are.) ;-] Reese likes to claim the leather recliner for her spot when we're chilling out. She pulls herself up to the side and actually swings her butt under her to sit upright like a person. I have NO idea where she gets it. =]

Me: "What the...?"
Reese: "What? You gotta problem?"
Reese: "Yeah, I'm comfortable. What's the big deal?"
Reese: "Here's my opinion about your paparazzo tendencies."


  1. That's so funny!!! I had a cat who did that long ago, but never, ever would I expect a Cardi to like that position. :) Reese is a funny (and adorable) girl. :)

  2. I have GOT to catch it on video and post it on here! She did it again last night and I died laughing on the couch, then was kicking myself for not having my phone ready to catch her in action. It's a very fluid movement...and I really wonder where she got the idea to sit that way. I think she likes to keep her eye on us or something.

  3. Reese, you are just too funny. Your sitting pose is just too cute. As long as you are comfortable. That's all the matters. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals
